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Ukrainian Association members

The Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining directs its activities to protect the life and health of Ukrainian citizens by demining, disarming explosive objects and raising the public awareness about the mine threat.

Goals of Association members

    Clearing the territory from the remaining mines and ammo by demining and destroying dangerous objects.
    Involving the general public and state bodies in demining procedures and making the population aware of the possible dangers.
    Creating a center of expert investigation in the field of humanitarian demining on the territory of Ukraine.
    Engaging experts with experience in successful demining to share the techniques and advanced methods of mine action.
    Establishing partnership relations with international and national organizations engaged in demining for the purpose of training and upgrading the competence of our experts in eliminating the mine threat.
    Providing access to modern equipment, technology and tools for effective demining, as well as to actively research and implement innovative approaches in the humanitarian demining.
    Offering education and professional training possibilities in the field of demining. Organizing educational programs, workshops and master classes with experienced teachers.

Join us NOW

Manufacturers and providers of mine action services, i.e. organizations that are mine action operators can become members of the Association


Benefits for Ukrainian members:

The pooling of forces and resources within the Association framework contributes to the efficient and safe demining, ensuring protection of citizens and creation of safe conditions for the development of Ukraine.

Experience sharingand Networking

Membership in the Association provides organizations with an opportunity to share their experience and best practices with other mine action stakeholders, which improves the overall demining efficiency.


Membership opens the door to establishing partnership relations with other entities and professionals, which can result in joint projects and cooperation in the field of demining.

Educationand training

The Association arranges educational programs, workshops and workshops, that will help to develop the skills and competence of experts in the field of humanitarian demining.

Supportand resources

Members of the Association can count on support and access to modern equipment, resources and technology, enhancing thereby their ability to carry out demining tasks to good effect.