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Frequently Asked Questions
If you haven't found the answer to your question in this list or in other site sections, send us a message through the feedback form on the left and we will respond as soon as possible
How to become a member of the Association?
To become a member of the Association, it is necessary to complete the application form, undergo the agreement procedure, receive confirmation and pay a package fee. For more detail, visit the “Association Members” section
How to become a partner of the Association?
To become a partner of the Association, it is necessary to complete the application form, undergo the agreement procedure, receive confirmation and pay a package fee. For more detail, visit the section "Association Partners"
What is the Memorandum on Cooperation?
This is a document that discusses involvement of the latest knowledge to address the issues of demining the territories of Ukraine in order to ensure a safe life in the territory contaminated with mines, to resume the work of agrarians helping thereby to restore the country's economy, to raise public awareness and educate the population regarding risks related to explosive objects and rules of conduct in case of their discovery.
What is the admission fee for partners and members of the Association?
For your convenience, we have several options of involvement in the Association's activities combined into special packages of services that you receive by choosing a certain package offer. To learn more about the price of each package, visit the section "Conditions"
What can I get from cooperation with the Association?
Partners and members of the Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining get a number of benefits for development and professional upgrade, including:● Development of joint projects.● Development of internal cooperation.● Selection of partners and integrators for your equipment in Ukraine and internationally.● Buildup of research teams from scratch.● Participation in nonpublic trainings and presentations of mine action products.● Development of your company's strategic communications.● Engagement of experienced and superb professionals to address the specific problems of your company.● Access to the blacklist of disreputable employees and companies.
Is there a blacklist of individuals and companies?
Regrettably, in the course of work one occasionally comes across unscrupulous contractors, employees or even entire companies. Based on our own experience and feedback from partners, we have made a blacklist of individuals and entities the reputation of which requires careful additional review. Access to this list is available to partners and members of the Association upon request.