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How to join

Join the Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining, take advantage of the most diverse opportunities in establishing partnership relations and gain support in all fields related to demining. We cooperate with international and Ukrainian companies that are manufacturers and providers of mine action services.
Joining the Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining, you will be backed by:● training programs, workshops and master classes that will assist in developing the skills and competence of experts;● gain access to modern equipment, resources and technology;● as well as partnership and experience sharing with other members of the Association.

Together we will contribute to the demining of dangerous areas, promote public awareness regarding threats, and ensure a safe life for Ukrainians.Join us now and work in a team of like-minded people.


Experience sharing

Membership in the Association provides organizations with an opportunity to share their experience and best practices with other mine action stakeholders, which improves the overall demining efficiency.

Education and training

The Association arranges educational programs, workshops and master classes that will help develop the skills and competence of experts in the field of humanitarian demining.


Membership opens the door to establishing partnership relations with other entities and professionals, which can result in joint projects and cooperation in the field of demining.

Support and resources

Members of the Association can count on support and access to modern equipment, resources and technology, enhancing thereby their ability to carry out demining tasks to good effect.